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SeaMonkey 2.0.11 - Portable Edition

Utilizar la suite Mozilla tradicional

SeaMonkey 2.0.11 - Portable Edition

Notapor ElTxolo » Vie Dic 10, 2010 8:54 am

Holas! ;)


SeaMonkey 2.0.11 - Portable Edition


PortableApps escribió:
The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite. Such a software suite was previously made popular by Netscape and Mozilla, and the SeaMonkey project continues to develop and deliver high-quality updates to this concept. Containing an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client with an included web feed reader, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, SeaMonkey is sure to appeal to advanced users, web developers and corporate users. Under the hood, SeaMonkey uses much of the same Mozilla source code which powers such successful siblings as Firefox, Thunderbird, Camino, Sunbird and Miro.

Download Details

* Publisher: PortableApps.com (John T. Haller) and Mozilla
* Date updated: 2010-12-09
* System Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Wine on Linux/UNIX
* License: Free / Open Source (Launcher: GPL, SeaMonkey: MPL)
* Source Code: Launcher source (included), Source (SeaMonkey)
* MD5 Hash (for the geeks): bae16dcf5ab5e1778cc9003bfa444da5

Descargas (Solo para Windows):

SeaMonkey 2.0.11 Portable (en-US).paf.exe

SeaMonkey 2.0.11 Portable (es-ES).paf.exe

Un Saludo. Imagen


[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110420 SeaMonkey/2.0.14]
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20110608 SeaMonkey/2.1]
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